Saturday, November 30, 2013

Central Asia: Kyrgyzstan

High demand for modest stylish clothing
Kyrgyzstan - country in Central Asia with a population of 5.5 million, 75 percent of whom are Muslims. Roughly, half of those people are women. That's a lot of ladies wanting to look modest and beautiful if you ask me (even if not all of them adhere to the Islamic code dress). Islamic fashion here is in its very early stages of development. There had been 2 fashion events organised so far: 1st in November 2012 and second in March 2013. Both shows have been a huge success and the show organiser Ms Aizhan Akilbekova had signed a contract with the Russian Drama Theater in Bishkek to host Islamic fashion events twice a year - one for Spring/Summer and another one for Autumn/Winter collections. Ms Akilbekova says:"Our goal is to awaken the forgotten traditions, remind how beautifully femininely and modestly Kyrgyz women used to dress". She also states that along with modesty, traditions and style, designers have taken into consideration Kyrgyz climate: designs for hot summers are made of thin cotton and chiffon, whilst creations for wet autumns and cold winters perfectly match seasons' requirements.

Traditional dress
Traditional dress in Kyrgyzstan has a long tradition and changed many times of the course of history. It would also differ depending on the region. In general girls would wear long white dresses with embroidered velvet vests. Heavy skirts would be worn over these in winter. Their hair was arranged in about forty braids and covered with elaborate headdresses. In another tradition young girls would wear a dress and wide trousers made of bright silk fabrics, often red. Older women's clothes were similar, but the colours were somewhat darker.

Collections from first ever Islamic fashion shows in Bishkek (Autumn-Winter 2012 and Spring Summer 2013)
Creations of the following Kyrgyz designers are presented below: Ms Ukei Muratalieva, Ms Olga Stogova, Mr Usen Berdibaev, Mr Bakhyt Beshbaev, Ms Zhanara Changisheva, Ms Saltanat Mamirbaeva, Ms Indira Ibishiva and Ms Tolganai Kirigulova.
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Introducing designer Ms Assol Moldakmatova
Ms Moldakmatova is one of the most famous people in the country, she is a TV presenter and producer turned fashion and accessories designer. One of her most recent achievements is the Grand Prix in the category Best Designer-2012 in the international contest Miss Fashion International NY 2012, which was held in New York. Below is her collection of 2012 dedicated to Kyrgyz national dress:

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Courtesy to

Wedding dress
Designer Ms Mavluda Usupova is famous for her wedding dress collections:

And these designs belong to the very experienced and well-known Ms Olga Stogova:

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Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Tips Cara Mengatasi Artikel Blog Yang Terkena Sandbox

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tags: google sandbox,penyebab google sandbox,apa itu google sandbox

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Central Asia: Kazakhstan

New fashion trend in Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan is the 9th largest country in the world, it is located at the crossroads of Europe and Asia. The terrain of Kazakhstan includes flatlands, taiga, rock canyons, hills, deltas, snow-capped mountains, and deserts. The population is 17 million with 70% adhering to Islam. Islam was brought to the territory of Kazakhstan during the 8th century when the Arabs arrived in Central Asia. At the time various Turkic tribes were practicing different religions: paganism, Tengrism, Zoroastrianism, Christianity, etc. It took few hundred years for all of the tribes to accept Islam.

Since the collapse of the Soviet Union (1991) there has been a revival culture, traditions, language and religion in Kazakhstan. With more women adhering to Islam the demand for appropriate clothing has been steadily increasing over the past 20 years. Most of the clothing used to be imported from Turkey, Iran and Egypt, but few years ago local designers have started considering creating their own Islamic brands that did not only meet the religious canons, but also had traditional elements. Since 2011 Kazakhstan has hosted numerous Muslim Fashion Shows, held Muslim Fashion weeks in Almaty and Astana and fashion competition for young designers.

Traditional dress
Traditionally, unmarried Kazakh women did not wear a head-covering, although the rest of their dress had to be modest. Married women were obliged to wear a head-covering that matches the hijab requirements.

Courtesy of "Erke-Nur", design by Farida Merhamit-kyzy

Combining traditions and modern fashion
Zulfiya Akataeva is only 22, but already is a well-known fashion designer in Kazakhstan. She owns boutique "ZUFA" in Almaty. This young designer makes emphasis on convenience and comfort and she likes to work with denim.

Farida Merhamit-kyzy is one of the leading designers in Almaty. Her designs range from regular women’s, men’s, children’s clothing to Islamic fashion and wedding attires for brides and grooms. Farida’s designs join colours and forms in an unusual and exciting way; she also offers headscarfs decorated with national ornaments.

Farida with her models

Gulzhan Rysbekova , better known under the brand of Gulzhan Yrys , has made her name in Western style fashion first before adding Islamic fashion to her resume. Gulzhan focuses on the delicate pastel colours and combines contrasting colors. The designer uses frills in her collection traditional to Kazakh dress.

Designer Kuralai Nurkadilova is the leading designer in the country and had become well-known beyond its boundaries.  She is considered as a local in Russia and people look forward to her new collections. The Italians and French keep inviting her over to their shows. Nevertheless Kuralai considers herself as a Kazakh fashion designer who inspired a generation of young designers in Kazakhstan. She owns a fashion house “Kuralai” and recently created “Kuralai-Muslim” collection aimed at women wanting to dress modestly and beautifully. Kuralai brings colour and glamour to her creations; she likes to work with silk, taffeta, chiffon and laces.

Wedding dress
Nowadays it has become fashionable to wear a dress that resembles traditional wedding dress. We like this trend and hope it continues as Kazakh wedding dresses are stunning!

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Australian Muslim Fashion

Islam has a longer history in Australia than some people may think. Fishermen from Indonesia began making their annual visits to Australia in the early 1700s. This is perhaps the first Australian Muslim connection to date. Evidence shows that they left their mark on the indigenous people, which is evident from Aboriginal language, art and economy. Many Aborigines embraced Islam after learning about it from the Indonesian fishermen.
In the 19th century European exploration and settlement of inland Australia depended heavily on the expertise of Muslim cameleers from Afghanistan and British India. These men were expert Camel handlers and became imperative for the building of a new nation. More efficient than bullock or horse teamsters, the cameleers were in great demand. They helped construct telegraph lines and inland railways, took part in exploration expeditions, and supplied mining towns and pastoral stations.

During the 20th century, the Australian economy needed migrant workers. Consequently, Turkish, Albanian, Bosnian, Lebanese and many other African and Middle Eastern countries migrated to Australia. Today, 2.2% of Australians are Muslims (roughly, just under half a million in the population of 22.68 million).

Fashion buzz
A handful of Australian designers have emerged in the past few years. These designers catering not only for Muslim women who have certain dress code, but for anyone who wishes to dress modestly, stylishly and elegantly.
Australian Muslim women come from many countries with many different traditions of dress: Moroccan, Malaysian, Indonesian, Afghani, Syrian, Pakistani, Lebanese, and even British. Cultural influences can be seen in the designs giving them a unique edge. Some brands have really taken the world by storm, for example, +ahiida swimwear and sportswear. Burqini's global success let to it being selected by the Macquarie Dictionary as the 2011 word of the year. Outfits appeal not just to Muslim women but to non-Muslim women looking for garments that protect them from the harsh Australian Sun.
Courtesy of Ahiida
Aida Zein left career in law to become a fashion designer. Her homegrown brand called ninety9 has flourished from a home-based business to wholesaling to Islamic clothing stores and to finally opening her own boutique store in Sydney's Bankstown (2nd store in Sydney's Punchbowl is set to open December 2013). Aida's favorite fabric to work with is denim and her creations are for those who want to dress casually, but at the same time elegantly and modestly.

Courtesy of Ninety9
Kath Fry and Eisha Saleh have launched their baraka e-boutique in 2009 after meeting in 2005. Kath has background in fashion design whilst Eisha comes from corporate business/human resources background. They realised there is a gap in the market for quality garments with high-end style for those wanting to dress modestly. Baraka loves to work with bright colours, cotton and linen. 
Courtesy of Baraka
+Fay Tellaoui was fashion inspired from an early age when she witnessed her mother sawing her own dresses at home. Fay, too, saw a gap in the market which excluded clothing for young Muslim ladies who struggled to dress fashionably and modestly. Most of the Islamic wear was imported from overseas and were aimed at mature women. Fay had given the traditional abaya a new look: it has a tailored fashionable silhouette and features contemporary fabrics and prints. 

Courtesy of Fay Tellaoui

And you don’t even have to be a fashion star to contribute into the global trend. There are so many passionate and inspiring fashion bloggers who buzz about street fashion and create different looks by putting outfits together and presenting them online for discussions. One of the most popular ones is Muslim Street Fashion.

Faith, fashion, fusion exhibition in Sydney and Melbourne
Groundbreaking exhibition showcasing achievements of Australian Muslim designers and entrepreneurs. Their stories reflect on the diversity of the Australian Muslim community and the importance of faith in every day lives.

The exhibition was created by Sydney's Power House Museum and was open from 5 May 2012 until 14 July 2013. After that it moved to Melbourne's Immigration Museum and will stay open until 9 June 2014. All of the above designers and more are featured in this exhibition.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Tips Cara Mengembalikan Blog Yang Sudah Terhapus Oleh Google

Mengembalikan dan Memperbaiki Blog yang dihapus Google - Sebagai blogger pengguna Blogspotn tentau sudah mengetahui bahwa jika pengguna tidak mematuhi kebijakan konten blogger maka  blog kita akan dihapus oleh google.

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Jika Blog anda sudah dibanned/dihapus oleh google, maka ada beberapa cara untuk memperbaiki/mengembalikan blog yang dihapus google tersebut agar dapat kembali tampil.

Nah berikut beberapa cara yang kami peroleh dari berbagai sumber :

Hal pertama yang haru sobat lakukan adalah bersikap tenang, karena jika sobat panik yang ada malah Blog sobat akan terhapus dan akan semakin berantakan.

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setelah itu berdoalah agar blog anda dikembalikan oleh Google. karena google memiliki hak penuh dalam hal ini.

Demikianlah beberapa cara mengembalikan blogspot yang dihapus google, dan yang terpenting, jika anda seorang blogger, patuhilah kebijakan konten blogger, agar tidak kena banned. semoga bermanfaat bagi anda.